Project Info

LCDA Office, Sarawak
ADF’s building technologies enables monitoring and controlling a wide range of other building functions, including HVAC, electrical, energy management, cold water, plumbing and fire protection to optimize HVAC control to maintain user comfort while improving energy saving.
Key features of ADF's building technologies

Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation System
- Chiller plant control and optimisation
- FCU and AHU control and monitoring
- OT AHU control and monitoring for accurate humidify and temperature

Cold Water System
- Pump and tank monitoring

Electrical Services
- Electrical power consumption monitoring
- Lighting schedule control and monitoring

Fire Protection System
- Fire system integration for event monitoring
Benefits realized

Our solution enables monitoring and controlling a wide range of other building functions, including lighting, access control & safety.

Our building technologies create buildings that are smarter, more efficient, safer, use less energy, have lower operating costs.

Get real time information and analytics in intuitive graphical dashboards that are customisable.

With ADF’s building technologies, you can centralise, control and manage existing electrical and electronic systems.